
Episode 29: Pediatric MRI Considerations

Kristan and Bill are joined by Dr Jeannie Kwon of UT Southwestern to discuss considerations when performing MRI exams on pediatric patients. Click Here to Claim Your Credit This MR iCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant.  

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Episode 28: Liver

Dr Takeshi Yokoo joins Bill and Kristan for an interesting discussion on liver MRI Click Here to Claim Your Credit This MR iCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant.  

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Episode 27: Breast MRI

Dr Chris Comstock joins Bill and Kristan for a wide-ranging discussion of breast MRI Click Here to Claim Your Credit This MR iCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant.

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Episode 26: MR Safety Practices: They work well until they don’t

Bill Faulkner and Kristan Harrington discuss considerations relating to MR safety practices. Click Here to Claim Your Credit    This MR iCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant.  

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Episode 25: Gadopiclenol

Dr. Howard Rowley joins Bill and Kristan for a discussion of the history of GBCAs and the introduction of the newest agent; Gadopiclenol Claim Your Credit!   This MR iCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant

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Episode 24: Remote Scanning

Bill Faulkner and Kristan Harrington provide a wide-ranging discussion on Remote Scanning in todays Imaging World. Click Here to Claim Your Credit   This MR iCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant.

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Episode 23: MRI Protocol Optimization

Bill Faulkner and Kristan Harrington provide a wide-ranging discussion of MRI protocol optimization considerations. Click Here to Claim Your Credit   This MR iCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant.

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Episode 21: MR Safety Potpourri Part 1

Guest Karl Vigen, PhD joins Bill, Kristan and Howard in a wide ranging discussion of MR safety considerations in patient with implants, devices or unknown metallic items. Click Here to Claim Your Credit This MR iCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant.

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Episode 20: Not your momma’s MRI scanner

In this MR iCast, Kristan, Howard and Bill discuss MRI systems that differ from the conventional cylindrical bore 1.5 T and 3.0 T systems Click Here to Claim Your Credit This MR iCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant.

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