Episode 22: MR Safety Potpourri Part 2

Bill, Kristan, Howard, and Karl continue the wide-ranging discussion of various MR safety issues related to implants, devices and other metallic items in or on persons entering the MRI scanner. Claim Your Credit Here! This MR iCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant.

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Episode 21: MR Safety Potpourri Part 1

Guest Karl Vigen, PhD joins Bill, Kristan and Howard in a wide ranging discussion of MR safety considerations in patient with implants, devices or unknown metallic items. Click Here to Claim Your Credit This MR iCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant.

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Episode 20: Not your momma’s MRI scanner

In this MR iCast, Kristan, Howard and Bill discuss MRI systems that differ from the conventional cylindrical bore 1.5 T and 3.0 T systems Click Here to Claim Your Credit This MR iCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant.

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Episode 19: MR Safety Screening Considerations

Listen in to Bill, Kristan, and Howard as they discuss MR safety considerations and MR safety screening. Claim Your Credit! This MRiCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant.

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Episode 15: Education and Opportunities

In this episode Bill, Kristan, and Guest Neil Huber discuss Educational Opportunities in MRI. No CE credit is available for this podcast

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Episode 14: Adverse Events

In this episode, Howard, Bill, and Kristan discuss Adverse Events. Click Here to Claim Your Credit This MRiCast episode is supported by Bracco Diagnostics Inc. through an unrestricted educational grant.

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